
Why Botox® May Be the Solution to Managing Your Migraine Pain

Sep 08, 2022
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As the 1 billion people around the world who suffer from migraines can attest, the best approach to managing migraine pain is to prevent it from developing in the first place, which is the goal of Botox®.

Anyone who has had a migraine — and there are 1 billion people worldwide who have — can tell you that it is one condition they’d rather not have to deal with in the first place. A migraine is a type of headache that, once it takes hold, is difficult to manage.

As neurology experts, our team here at Complete Neurological Care understands all too well the debilitating effects that migraines can have on your life. We’ve devoted part of our practice to helping people better manage these types of headaches

As part of our treatment options, we offer Botox® injections, which are designed to prevent up to 8-9 headaches per month.

Defining chronic migraines

Approximately 37 million men, women, and children suffer from migraines in the United States, and women account for a large majority of this number. Migraines are three times more common in females.

While some people only develop a migraine sporadically, others are far less fortunate. Of the millions of Americans with migraines, 4 million have chronic migraine, which means that they experience at least 15 headache days per month.

Treating migraines with Botox

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for migraines yet, which leaves us to find ways to manage the problem as best we can. While there are medications that you can take when you feel a migraine coming on, the greater goal is to prevent migraines from developing.

In 2010, the FDA approved Botox treatments for migraines that are designed to achieve this goal. Botox is the No. 1 prescribed treatment for managing chronic migraines in the US, and it’s been shown to eliminate 8-9 headache days per month.

The exact mechanism behind the success of Botox in preventing migraine headaches isn’t fully confirmed, but researchers believe that the botulinum toxin prevents neurotransmitters from relaying pain messaging.

Your Botox migraine plan

For the best results, come see us four times a year for Botox injections. This steady regimen is critical in staying one step ahead of migraines. In fact, Botox conducted a study in which 97% of participants taking Botox for migraines planned to continue the treatment.

The treatments themselves take us only minutes to administer, and there’s no downtime afterward, which means you can keep up with your busy schedule.

When can you expect results? Most of our patients start to feel the effects of the Botox treatments about 4-12 weeks after starting the treatment.

If you want to stay one step ahead of your chronic migraines with Botox, please contact one of our offices in Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, or Margate, Florida, to schedule an appointment with one of our headache specialists.