
Is There a Difference Between Tremors and Movement Disorders?

Mar 03, 2023
Is There a Difference Between Tremors and Movement Disorders?
Involuntary movements in your body can take many different forms, the most common of which are tremors. Here’s a look at tremors and movement disorders to help you better understand these conditions.

The question posed in the title of this blog is whether there’s a difference between tremors and movement disorders. The answer is complex. Movement disorders affect about 42 million people in the United States, and tremors are at the top of the list.

To help you understand the relationship between a tremor and a movement disorder, our team here at Complete Neurological Care is taking a close look at each and how we can help with both.

Tremor — the most common movement disorder

In basic terms, a tremor is a rhythmic shake in a part of your body, usually in your hands, but you can experience tremors elsewhere, such as in your legs, head, torso, and even in your vocal cords, causing your voice to tremble. 

The key to qualifying as a tremor is that the movement is caused by rhythmic contractions in opposing muscles, causing the quick back-and-forth or shaking movement.

Tremors can crop up temporarily for a number of different reasons that range from alcohol withdrawal to experiencing extreme anxiety or fear. Or, you can develop a tremor (an essential tremor) that is more of a constant companion.

Common movement disorders

Not only do tremors qualify as a movement disorder in their own right, they’re sometimes the primary symptom of a separate movement disorder. 

For example, one of the most common movement disorders is Parkinson’s disease — about 90,000 people in the US are diagnosed with the condition each year.

People with Parkinson’s often display tremors, such as shaking hands, but this symptom is one of many possible side effects that include everything from gastrointestinal problems to mental health issues such as depression.

Other movement disorders don’t involve tremors or shaking at all, but rather:

  • Jerking movements
  • Freezing up
  • Stiffness and difficulty moving
  • Slow movements
  • Gait problems

These are just a few of the symptoms that you can find under movement disorders, which include:

  • Epilepsy
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Palsy
  • Chorea
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Ataxia
  • Dystonia
  • Myoclonus

This list is by no means complete, but we wanted to give you an idea about the large scope of movement disorders.

Diagnosing and treating a movement disorder

The bottom line is that if you’re having trouble with involuntary movement like tremors, or other movement issues like sudden twitching or freezing up, it’s time to come see us. 

As a practice devoted to neurological issues, we’re equipped with the most advanced diagnostic technologies available. Once we identify the issue behind your movement disorder, we can get you started on a treatment regimen to help you regain control over your body.

For expert diagnosis and treatment of tremors and movement disorders, please contact one of our offices in Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, or Margate, Florida, to schedule a consultation.